Attention mamas! Navigating supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding can be overwhelming, especially for first timers. With so much information out there, it’s tough to figure out what’s truly safe for you and your baby. But you’re here, which means you already understand how crucial it is to get the right nutrients to nourish the both of you.
While we’re here to offer some guidance on what may or may not be beneficial, always remember to consult your doctor before adding anything new to your routine. These are suggestions only – your healthcare provider knows what's best for you and your little one during this special chapter.

By knowing which options are typically safe and which ones to avoid, you're on the right track to supporting both yourself and your baby. Just a reminder, these are just suggestions—always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements. Your doctor knows what’s best for you, ensuring that you’re making the safest choices during this journey.
Tap here to see which supplements Sarah took while pregnant!
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